About Dogwise Dog Training, Tina & The Team

Hi My name is Tina, the founder of Dogwise Training School.

I am a passionate dog trainer who loves nothing better then seeing dogs grow in confidence in their training. I love to use physiology and physcology to get brilliant results – it’s good to have knowledge of both. We use science based positive training.

I believe that if you use good training skills and have fun training games, your puppy / dog will know the rules of these games.

Observing and studying your dog’s body language is a quick way to get good results.

There are so many different behaviour theories around at the moment that dog owners are hard pressed to find out which is correct.

Open your eyes to the science-based training – it works with amazing results.

My best advice to you is to try something new! Science-based training works for you and your dog! 

We ask you not to use any methods that is in anyway causing your dog physical pain or discomfort or resulting in him showing signs of being emotionally unhappy.

Using training games, dogs learn through simple fun games

  • “It’s your choice” games
  • Collar grab games
  • Recall games 
  • Crate games 
  • “This not that!” games
  • And lots more

My training methods are based on reward with food or toys or play.

You can reward with praise or food as long as you reward at the right time.

It works quickly and effectively time and time again.

My behaviour theories are based on science-based training rules & structure. 

We call it shaping. I believe that your dog views itself as a member of a pack within your family and that you need to make sure that you are that pack’s leader to ensure that you have ultimate control over training your dog and to help your dog to be secure, happy and content. 

There is nothing threatening to your dog about this, every dog needs a teacher.

None of my methods involve physical domination or bullying.  

They involve creating games in an environment in which the dog knows it’s place and self control in the hierarchical system using canine communication methods.


  • TIME 

My name is Faye

I am a qualified Scentwork UK trainer and judge and specialise in nervous dogs as well as mental wellbeing for dogs.

I also run FitPaws 121 sessions. FitPaws is perfect fitness, core building strength and conditioning the canine athlete, or helping your older dog moving muscle groups they may not have moved in a while! This is done is a safe and controlled manner.

Scentwork is fantastic brain simulation for dogs no matter what their age or breed.

I also run Sparkes Animal Therapies at Dogwise in the Treatment Room I am a qualified Sports Canine Massager with TCAP and IAAT number 1641 – Student animal physiotherapist

I am passionate about getting dogs fit and healthy no matter what their age. And continuing my education in dog health and behaviour.

My name is Debbie

I am a very eager and very French pet enthusiast with a wide range of knowledge and understanding about many pets but my love and dream is working with dogs and providing them with a better life through training and support.

Through the years I developed my skillset through a Level 3 in Agricultural Management and Level 2, 3 and 4 in Animal care. I am increasing my knowledge with regular online courses to keep myself up to date with fresh studies and relevant informations to offer as much support and knowledge as I possible for both the owners and dogs.

Since working with dogs specifically my ability to read their body language has significantly increased to provide a better understanding on how they experience the world. I am working and learning alongside great trainers here at Dogwise and I am looking forward to working with you !

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